Your reservation will be confirmed upon receiving the mentioned advance payment in the package information through credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Amex), PayPal, or bank transfer. We will notify you by confirmation E-mail or WhatsApp once all bookings have been made with this advance payment. The remaining balance must be paid within the first two days after you arrive. By making an advance deposit, you accept our booking conditions. If payment is not received within the due date, we will carefully cancel your booking and notify you accordingly.

Payment Conditions

  • Advance payments are required at the time of booking.
  • Credit card payments will incur an additional 1% charge to cover credit card processing costs and help keep our base prices low.
  • Guests are responsible for covering all BANK CHARGES associated with bank transfers. Failure to cover these charges will invalidate your booking, and additional costs may apply to cover the outstanding bank charges.
  • There will be no extra fees for postage, booking, or other hidden charges. Exchange rates are based on LIVE ON-DAY RATES at the time of booking and are not subject to change.
  • Late payments may result in the cancellation of your booking.


Cancellation by ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’

‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ is committed to safeguarding your booking with the highest level of professionalism. However, we reserve the right to cancel your booking in the event of unavoidable circumstances (Force Majeure). In such cases, we will refund all recoverable costs and, where possible, offer an alternative booking of comparable type and quality. We cannot be held responsible for any incidental expenses you may have incurred in preparation for a booking that is subsequently canceled.

Cancellation by Guest (You)

  • For cancellations of tailor-made itineraries, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee of up to 10% of the total booking cost when calculating recoverable costs.
  • Refunds are not typically provided for early checkouts or absences.
  • If you wish to cancel your booking, you must let us know immediately by email or WhatsApp, quoting your name and reference number. The cancellation will be effective from 09:00 on the next working day, allowing us time to contact suppliers.
  • In the case of group cancellations (initiated by the tour leader), each individual in the group will be held equally responsible for any cancellation costs.

If you are canceling the tour:

  • More than 5 days before the start of the tour: A full refund will be issued
  • 1 to 5 days before the start of the tour: 10% of the total package price will be charged as a 10% administrative fee

Change In Itineraries

Itinerary Changes Made by ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’

  • ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ aims to maintain high standards of professionalism to protect your booking. Itinerary adjustments will only be made under unavoidable or exceptional circumstances. Every effort will be made to ensure these adjustments align with the spirit of the original itinerary and will be discussed with you.

Itinerary Changes Requested by Guest (You)

  • ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ offers flexible itineraries. Once an itinerary is finalized, requests for changes to a group or individual itinerary will be considered

Information Provided by ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’

  • ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ will make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided and will correct any errors or omissions once notified.

Information Provided by Guest (You)

  • All information provided by you must be accurate and truthful. We will treat this information confidentially and will not share it with third parties. We do not engage in spam, sell mailing lists, or use personal information for purposes other than securing your booking. We have a strict anti-fraud policy and take responsible steps to protect personal information, including credit card details.


We expect all guests to maintain reasonable behavior at all times. If our representatives or suppliers determine that your behavior poses a danger to yourself or others, causes damage, or is persistently offensive (including racist behavior), you will be informed, and your booking may be terminated without compensation. You may also be held liable for any willful damage.

Customer Care and Complaints Procedure

‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ is fully committed to providing high levels of customer care throughout your holiday. This includes resolving any problems at the source to the satisfaction of all parties.

Check And Protect Essentials

Please ensure that your flight times, as indicated on your tickets, are correct. You should also confirm that your travel documents, passports, visas, driving licenses, insurance details, and funds are in order. We do not bear any responsibility for issues related to these matters.

Force Majeure

We cannot accept responsibility for Force Majeure, defined in these booking conditions as any event that we, as the service provider, could not reasonably foresee, influence, or avoid. These events include but are not limited to, war, riots, civil strife, terrorism, contamination, extreme or unusual weather conditions, industrial disputes, changes to sports itineraries, natural and nuclear disasters, fire, flight cancellations or rescheduling by airlines, or any similar event beyond our control.

Independent Travel

If your itinerary is only partially booked by ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours,’ we cannot be held responsible for the failure of any component of your holiday for which we are not directly responsible. This includes difficulties in finding accommodation or collecting train tickets purchased by us if customers choose to book accommodation-only deals and arrange their transport.


Every traveler must have valid travel insurance, and details of the policy must be provided before travel. ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ reserves the right to refuse travel for those who are not adequately insured. It is the passenger’s responsibility to verify whether their local health insurance carrier provides coverage while traveling. We strongly recommend purchasing a comprehensive travel insurance policy to cover all aspects of your tour, including the loss of deposits due to cancellation, loss of baggage and personal items, personal injury, and death. A waiver must be signed if insurance is declined.

Inoculations (Vaccinations)

All travelers are strongly advised to consult their medical advisors at least one month before travel regarding recommended inoculations, the need for malaria tablets, and any other necessary medical advice based on their health history.

Checklist for Pre-Overseas Travel

The holidays offered by Sri Lanka Insta Tours range from luxury itineraries to budget options. While we strive to ensure meticulous planning, amenities, and infrastructure in Sri Lanka can sometimes be less developed. Delays, moments of discomfort, and risks are inherent in all travel, especially in tropical regions. Insects in rooms are common. Booking with us implies acceptance of these realities. We advise clients to take sensible precautions and stay informed with up-to-date information from independent and reliable sources.

Personal Loss, Injury, and Illness

(Not related to the arrangements made by us)

If you or any member of your group suffers a loss (such as baggage or valuables), serious illness, personal injury, or death during your holiday, we, or our designated representatives, will provide sympathetic advice and guidance at our discretion.


Guarantee of Price

We guarantee that your holiday will not be subjected to surcharges, except in cases where our costs rise due to (i) flight levies or (ii) changes in government policy. We will not impose surcharges for exchange-rate fluctuations.

Sri Lanka Insta Tours Representatives

Assistance during your itinerary will be provided by a Professional Tourist chauffeur if you have booked transport with us. Further support is available through our dedicated customer care staff in Colombo.


‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ ensures the provision of the agreed accommodations for your selected tour package. We will provide the necessary details of the selected hotels in advance, and guests are encouraged to carefully review these selections before confirming a booking. Once a booking is confirmed, reservations at the hotels will be made and cannot be changed before or after your arrival in Sri Lanka. However, guests may serious request for a hotel change is made, ‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ will do its best to arrange alternative accommodations of the same category, but any additional costs will be borne by the guests.

  • Early Check-in Policy

Rooms are available after 12:00h or 14:00h. If you would like an early check-in (between 06:00h and 12:00h), we can arrange it with the hotel, but it will incur a 50% room rate charge, which you will need to cover.

  • Late Check-out Policy

The standard check-out time is before 12:00h. If guests wish to check out late (after 12:00h but before 18:00h), an additional 50% of the room rate will be charged. For check-outs after 18:00h, 100% of the room rate will be charged.


‘Sri Lanka Insta Tours’ does not, under any circumstances, recommend or guarantee the value or quality of any products not itemized on the Travel Voucher, which may be purchased during an itinerary arranged in part or whole by us. This applies even if the product was discussed between a client and an employee, chauffeur, or representative of the company. Determining the value of a product is entirely the client’s responsibility, and we have no duty to intervene in such situations.